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BanjoLink - Posted - 10/01/2024: 07:28:48
Hold on everyone …….. settle down ……!!!!
No whining or complaining here! Didn’t mean to poke the bear.
First, I was merely stating what I had heard about 20 mph over and 20 mph under the speed limit and said I did not know it was true.
Second, I tried to convey why it might be a problem. Personally, it has never been a problem for me although I may have cursed a 90 mph driver or wondered aloud why someone was doing 40 on an interstate highway.
I obey all traffic laws period! I actually come to a dead stop at all stop signs. I come to a dead stop before I turn right on red. I never pass on a double yellow line. I never drive in the left lane unless I am overtaking (British term for passing) another vehicle.
End of rant!??
BanjoLink - Posted - 10/01/2024: 08:37:57
Originally posted by OwenIn Porcupine Plain, SK:
Even with that much explanation on a 4-way stop sign, I feel sure that not everyone will understand how it works,
It has been a bear here in my hometown since the hurricane with all of out stoplights out and drivers not understanding that they are to be treated like a 4-way stop.
Owen - Posted - 10/01/2024: 09:34:12
Our street out front is a designated truck route .... last street at the edge of town. There are no sidewalks, and it gets a fair bit us use by walkers, dog-walkers, joggers ... even the odd dirt bike or snowmobile heading for the field across the back lane.
From my recliner I see vehicles that: "[8:58 and] looks like he's trying to make it to work for 9:00" / "...looks like he's in a hurry to get outtatown" / "oooh ... borderline," etc. but otoh we get periods where traffic including humans and pets is v-e-r-y sparse.
I'm not a coffee shop regular, but occasionally the subject of the scofflaws (^^) comes up .... some apparently favor a) 4-way stops* while others favor b) speed bumps, but oddly enuff (?) c) stricter enforcement of the existing law r-a-r-e-l-y gets a mention. As a measure to calm traffic I'd rank [support?] 'em in this order: enforcement, then 4-ways**, then bumps. [I've not asked any grader/snowplow operators what they think of bumps.]
* - the preferred number of languages hasn't been mentioned.
** - which I just might roll thru if traffic is sparser than sparse.
steve davis - Posted - 10/01/2024: 10:58:39
Yes,it's OK to exceed the speed limit in a pass.That's the safest way to pass.
If someone's going 50 in a 55 feel free to buzz it up to 70 if necessary to then return to 55.
Most cops around here give you 5 mph over.
For instance I was stopped on route 27 (55 mph) coming back from a gig on Sugarloaf Mt. one time and got a ticket.
Cop said "We give you 14 mph and that ain't enough for you,I guess."
I was doing 71,but would have been fine doing 69.
Rte. 17 from Rockland to Augusta is similar.
Ever since that beautiful road was improved in the 60s everyone goes 65 on it.Wide lanes and breakdown lanes.Great 2 lane road.
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