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nyartist - Posted - 09/09/2024: 18:21:19
I'm wanting to swap out the ren head but need to know whether the Pisgah takes a high or medium crown head.
Bob Buckingham - Posted - 09/10/2024: 05:00:22
High crown is most common on open back banjos. You can measure the head and a high crown will be 1/2" height.
Bob Smakula - Posted - 09/10/2024: 06:57:23
When Remo is slow with their production and Pisgah needs to order a few heads to keep the orders flowing, they order high crown from me.
Bob Smakula
Wobba - Posted - 09/10/2024: 07:02:59
Hmmm... Why are you changing the head? I play finger style with and without picks and I use only Renaissance heads. What kind of music do you intend to play finger style on a Pisgah banjo?
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