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Jdtrull - Posted - 09/09/2024: 16:41:18
I bought an unfinished OB-250 Gold Tone neck with a flat cut heel from their website, but it arrived as a flange cut. Gold tone says they don't sell the 250 with a flat cut. I am a little let down from this. This neck was perfect for my build and I loved the inlay pattern and overall shape of it. Does anyone know of a suitable alternative with a similar feel? Bonus points if its a relatively similar cost ($200-$250). Trying to flesh out all of my options for where to go from here before I make a choice.
Old Hickory - Posted - 09/09/2024: 19:37:09
For a complete neck at that price? No.
Instead, contact either Eric Sullivan or John Boulding. Describe your situation, send photos, and ask if they can re-work the heel to suit your needs. When you choose the one to work with, send your complete pot so they can get the fit right. There are probably other luthiers on the Hangout who could do this for you, but John and Eric are the only two I've worked with.
Is this banjo going to have lag bolts? If so, they could install those.
steve davis - Posted - 09/10/2024: 06:05:41
I bought a Gold Tone neck last summer.
It is inlaid,bound and has radiused frets.
Everything except the heel cut and final lacquer for $275.
tonygo - Posted - 09/10/2024: 07:33:52
Originally posted by JdtrullI bought an unfinished OB-250 Gold Tone neck with a flat cut heel from their website, but it arrived as a flange cut. Gold tone says they don't sell the 250 with a flat cut. I am a little let down from this. This neck was perfect for my build and I loved the inlay pattern and overall shape of it. Does anyone know of a suitable alternative with a similar feel? Bonus points if its a relatively similar cost ($200-$250). Trying to flesh out all of my options for where to go from here before I make a choice.
I bought one last spring. The fret ends were unfinished and I also found the neck to be a little to wide for me. But I had the fret ends filed and like everything else in life one gets used to what one has. Jere Canote fitted the neck to an old L&H Improved Washburn Pot perfectly. If you send Gold Tone the pot they will fit the neck for you they have details available if you ask.
Old Hickory - Posted - 09/10/2024: 09:14:18
Following up my previous suggestion:
Ask Gold Tone to modify the heel to flat heel cut. They have luthier services. They'll cut the heel on a new Bela Fleck neck and install lag bolts for about $200. They must have the skills to patch wood back in to restore the heel to flat.
Or return the neck for a refund. If their website allowed you to order an OB-250 neck with flat heel cut and they delivered something else, they didn't send you what you paid for and should refund your money if that's what you want.
But as I originally said, no one can touch Gold Tone's price on finished necks. Over 10 years ago there were Saga/Golden Gate flat heel old time necks for $75. Today they're $180. Dot inlay and unfinished. Their fancier necks seem not to be available any more.