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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: DIY Brush Nickel Plating Success

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euler357 - Posted - 09/08/2024:  10:27:41

I just restored an 1880s Dobson Victor that I bought as-is from Turtle Hill Banjo Company.  I didn't find a lot of great info on Nickel Plating outside of some expensive kits and a few YouTube videos so I cobbled together a setup (everything bought from Amazon) and it turned out really well.  I did a write-up of how I did this here.  Also, this banjo was barely playable with a lot of work needed and I brush plated only the places where I removed corrosion or needed protection so I didn't erase the history of this instrument.

Edited by - euler357 on 09/08/2024 10:38:08

dpgetman - Posted - 09/09/2024:  13:18:07

This is really cool. Spot-plating, who knew that could be done? Thanks for the write up!

euler357 - Posted - 09/09/2024:  15:55:01

I had been wanting to try this for years with other items  (firearms) and saw the opportunity to try it on this banjo.  The engineer/scientist in me knew it would work but there is still some amazement watching the brass turn silver :)

TTtheBear - Posted - 09/10/2024:  07:29:46

Think I'm gonna try it. Contacted a local plater about having my Stelling parts replated and got a very negative reply.

euler357 - Posted - 09/11/2024:  04:40:00

I dont know of anyone who does small one-off plating jobs.  I'm guessing that they isn't enough return involved to deal with the random customers. 

Anybody have a reliable place for this kind of nickel plating?

TTtheBear - Posted - 09/11/2024:  06:56:31

If I wanted to get it chrome plated, it wouldn't be a problem. Plenty of places chroming motorcycle parts and the like but nickel, not so much.

euler357 - Posted - 09/11/2024:  08:38:51

It seems like a place that does nickel chrome could just do the nickel then not do the chrome over it. I'm not sure on this though. I know that they often do nickel under gold plating too

BNJOMAKR - Posted - 09/11/2024:  17:18:04

I use Ron Satterfield of Nashville Plating Service to nickel plate my mini banjo parts. I've always been pleased with the quality of his service. He has a website.

p.s. I have also used him for gold plating.

euler357 - Posted - 09/12/2024:  05:29:44


Originally posted by BNJOMAKR

I use Ron Satterfield of Nashville Plating Service to nickel plate my mini banjo parts. I've always been pleased with the quality of his service. He has a website.

p.s. I have also used him for gold plating.

Thanks for the info.  I'll check him out


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