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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Archtop Conversion Rings

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Herringboned - Posted - 09/02/2024:  03:13:20

Hi all. 10 years back when I was looking for ways to convert my no hole 28 archtop TB3 to a flat head there were numerous options.

Sullivan, McPeake Hopkins, Huber I think did one. There was also a Kelly one that sat on top of the archtop ring.

Just revisiting this now and doesn't seem to be much out there other than the Sullivan. Happy to take suggestions here to point me to new or used options. Used is probably best because if it doesn't work out it would be good to get my money back if I sell it on.


plars - Posted - 09/02/2024:  06:18:43

You can find them by blayock too if you're patient. There's a bother product that is called " mitch tone ring mate" that works like the Kelly product.

In my experience, the sullivan gives the best flathead sound. May have to do with the weight as it seems heavier than the other rings. FWIW, Jim Mills used the sullivan ring in a conversion 75 I a got from him earlier this year and said he preferred that ring for an uncut rim conversion.

Good luck! If you do go used, you'll get most of your money back on these rings if you decide to move on.

notty pine - Posted - 09/02/2024:  09:14:30

I used the Sullivan conversion ring on my ball bearing and it was really nice. I'm sure his standard one is equally nice 

Edited by - notty pine on 09/02/2024 09:16:07

Leslie R - Posted - 09/02/2024:  18:37:12

I have had excellent results with the Mitch Tone Ring Mate.
Good luck with what you decide.

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