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GStump - Posted - 08/22/2024: 15:39:30
Can anyone in banjo world please tell me who made this tone ring? On the face there is a small bird stamped onto it, and the number 2003. Underneath there is a number 231. My best guess is it was made in 2003 and is Ring number 231. It is a very nice looking tone ring for sure, a full weight full height, nickel plated, approx 3 lbs. I suppose. I SHOULD know who made this, but am drawing a total blank.... Cox or Prucha came to mind initially but I'm certainly not positive. Pics coming!
Edited by - GStump on 08/22/2024 16:07:41
RioStat - Posted - 08/22/2024: 16:00:56
Gregg, is it this bird logo? If it is, that's a Ptacek, he's a Czech builder, closely associated with Prucha
Edited by - RioStat on 08/22/2024 16:01:34
Nic Pennsylvania - Posted - 08/22/2024: 18:22:24
I've got a rolled brass ring from StewMac with the same bird. I don't know if it's Ptacek or not, but I trust Scott on this.
Culloden - Posted - 08/22/2024: 18:31:49
Stewart MacDonald sells some Prucha parts. It's not inconceivable that they would sell Ptacek parts as well.
550Spyder - Posted - 08/23/2024: 16:38:01
As discussed in an older thread, ptacek translates to "little bird" in english.
GStump - Posted - 08/29/2024: 17:26:30
While doing a bit more research on this tone ring I also checked the Greg Boyd Music website. According to the website, at least (SOME doesn't necessarily mean ALL) some of the Prucha tone rings are, or were, made By Ptacek.... That info is taken directly from the description of the Prucha tone ring on the Greg Boyd website.... interesting. It's also "out of stock" as of right now.