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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: CM RK 20 hole nickel

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Darryl Hattenhauer - Posted - 08/14/2024:  14:08:29

What do CM and RK stand for?

RioStat - Posted - 08/14/2024:  14:25:25

If you're talking about tone rings, RK could be Richard Kulesh or Recording  King.

CM.....only thing I can think of would be Curtis McPeake

Darryl Hattenhauer - Posted - 08/14/2024:  14:29:20

Did Recording King use the same tonerings that Kulesh made?

RioStat - Posted - 08/14/2024:  14:36:11

The modern era Recording Kings are built in China, and as far as I know their tone rings are sourced from China also, so...... no.

latigo1 - Posted - 08/14/2024:  21:53:02

Those are Kulesh rings made for Curtis McPeake to McPeake specs. They are very good tone rings. There should be a serial number on it.  Has nothing to do with Recording King.

Edited by - latigo1 on 08/14/2024 21:54:38

5stringdog - Posted - 08/28/2024:  19:01:34

Curtis McPeak Richard Kulesh

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