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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Earl Scruggs Watch

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Cody - Posted - 08/08/2024:  12:22:30

We know Tony Rice wore the Bulova Accutron Spaceview watch but I saw a picture of Earl today with a watch on and I was curious if anybody knows what kind of watch Earl Scruggs wore? Or any other greats for that matter! What did JD wear? Don Reno? Jim Mills? etc...

tdennis - Posted - 08/08/2024:  13:29:26

...Watch ??

Texasbanjo - Posted - 08/08/2024:  14:29:24

Most of us were too busy watching his hands and fingers to notice whether he had a watch on or not.

FenderFred - Posted - 08/08/2024:  14:32:01

I guess it helped him keep good timing.

woodchips - Posted - 08/08/2024:  17:38:59

Post a picture. I love watches as much as I do banjo. I might be able to tell you about it.

RioStat - Posted - 08/08/2024:  17:44:21

Interesting question, Cody.

Just about every photo of Earl I looked at, on the Internet, shows him wearing a wristwatch on his left wrist. 

You just can't zoom in enough to get any identifying details.

Used to be several regular Hangout members that could have answered this question instantly........


wrench13 - Posted - 08/09/2024:  06:11:10

From the title of the thread, I was expecting some sort of notice that Earl had in fact been spotted somewhere, much like sightings of Elvis have continued long after he shuffled off this mortal coil.

So, please, tell me of what conceivable use is knowing what wristwatch Earl wore, to aspiring banjo players? Is this something that will improve timing? Or sound? What's next? Knowing the size of the buttons on Earls shirts (linge1 or 2)? Brand of shoelaces?

Owen - Posted - 08/09/2024:  07:19:13

Al: "... of what conceivable use... ."

Fwiw, I've heard of every one of the guys mentioned in the OP.   I'm a proponent of learning by osmosis (?), but I can't say that it's helped me all that much.  devil

[But, otoh, I'm also a proponent of to each his/her own, whatever floats yer boat, etc. .]

Edited by - Owen on 08/09/2024 07:21:03

Cody - Posted - 08/09/2024:  08:29:37

RioStat Thanks. Yes there used to be people who could answer this question or were at least interested. Now we just have people behind a keyboard being rude for the sake of being rude.

wrench13 It's just out of curiosity. I saw a picture and thought...hmm I wonder what watch that is, and thought I would just simply ask folks here. Dang...everybody has such an attitude online I guess. Must be miserable.

wrench13 - Posted - 08/09/2024:  11:18:36

@Cody, no, not miserable, just amazed at the minutia folks get in thier heads. Earl's wristwatch has so little to do with banjo, the main reason for most of us to even be on here. But hey if that helps you pick more or better , have at it!

banjoman56 - Posted - 08/09/2024:  13:58:06

I'm thinking it must have been a Timex. They take a lot of "LICKS" and keep on ticking!

jdeluke137 - Posted - 08/10/2024:  10:38:40


Originally posted by banjoman56

I'm thinking it must have been a Timex. They take a lot of "LICKS" and keep on ticking!

Good one!

pjkeane-at-gmail-dot-com - Posted - 08/12/2024:  20:08:31

I'd love to know, if any watch experts can recognize the brand Earl is wearing here.



pjkeane-at-gmail-dot-com - Posted - 08/12/2024:  20:10:20

That still is from this YouTube video: False Hearted Lover - Foggy Mountain Boys

gcpicken - Posted - 08/17/2024:  20:53:44


Originally posted by wrench13

@Cody, no, not miserable, just amazed at the minutia folks get in thier heads. Earl's wristwatch has so little to do with banjo, the main reason for most of us to even be on here. But hey if that helps you pick more or better , have at it!

Let me just throw out there, that posts to the forum have dropped off a bit, just about anything that keeps folks engaged is probably a positive. Also, what someone wears for a watch is reflective of their personality - utilitarian, showy, or maybe their dad's old watch. All the folks you mention are more than a collection of the notes they picked or the banjos they played. So maybe you can look at it that way

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