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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Best bridge for old time/folk?

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Fungal Harmony - Posted - 06/20/2024:  18:01:35

Hi everybody! Hope You’re all having an amazing day! I’m considering upgrading my bridge as my current one is a rather low quality stock bridge that came with my Savannah sb-100. I’m currently looking for a new bridge for that sort of old time/folk sound (think Pete Seeger or Clifton hicks), and was wondering what your suggestions are? I know Seeger had a very odd shaped bridge, but the only one I can find is 3d printed, which I’m not personally a huge fan of. Do you guys have any recommendations?

Stringbean45 - Posted - 06/20/2024:  18:35:56

Hi there, I make a number of different woods and types of Banjo Bridges and have many of them offered here on the hangout for sale, and would be glad to make you one of some. Don

Fungal Harmony - Posted - 06/20/2024:  18:56:38


Originally posted by Stringbean45

Hi there, I make a number of different woods and types of Banjo Bridges and have many of them offered here on the hangout for sale, and would be glad to make you one of some. Don

Alright! Is there somewhere I can find your products for sale?

jdeluke137 - Posted - 06/20/2024:  19:09:07


Originally posted by Fungal Harmony


Originally posted by Stringbean45

Hi there, I make a number of different woods and types of Banjo Bridges and have many of them offered here on the hangout for sale, and would be glad to make you one of some. Don

Alright! Is there somewhere I can find your products for sale?

Here's a link to his ad.  If you click on his name, then Classifieds under his profile, you'll also see the ad.

csacwp - Posted - 06/22/2024:  07:08:29

Clifton Hicks uses replicas of antique bridges made by Joel Hooks. He also uses nylon strings. The bridge you choose should largely come down to the type of strings that you use. Unlike older banjos, your banjo was made for steel strings, so you should probably consider fitting a modern bridge to it.

davidppp - Posted - 06/22/2024:  07:26:06

I'm quite fond of NYLGUT HISTORIC 1892 SIZED Aquila strings (sold in the U.S. by Joel Hooks - and a homemade DIY "replica" bridge on a new Deering Goodtime. 

thisoldman - Posted - 06/22/2024:  07:36:09

I have a couple of Don New (Stringbean45) bridges, and like them. One thought to share....when I think old time, I think of a mellow tone, and one way to get there is a "heavier" bridge. Some makers weigh their bridges and write that on the bottom of the bridge. If you get a 3 pack of bridges from Don, you could ask for different woods and/or weights to experiment.

Dan Gellert - Posted - 06/22/2024:  08:01:17

Those stock Chinese bridges can be improved considerably by removing their excess weight. You can simply reduce its thickness on a disc or belt sander, but I also like to reduce the width of the bridge.

steve davis - Posted - 06/23/2024:  06:04:49

My old-time customers are very happy with a sycamore base and a rosewood top.

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