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leeave96 - Posted - 06/15/2024: 16:29:50
Any chance in 2024 some might take over Stelling Banjo Works and once again start cranking out some superb banjos again?
From The Basement - Posted - 06/15/2024: 16:46:36
I can’t see it happening.
Unless a company like Deering would buy the name and produce some product like they did with Vega.
And Gregg Deering has a history with Stelling.
They did make great banjosI had a Bellflower at one time.
Regret selling it.
I have a Stelling jacket and hat.
Maybe they are worth something..
Old Hickory - Posted - 06/15/2024: 17:34:45
It was publicly reported that Geoff Stelling did not or could not reach an agreement with a prospective buyer and so he shut the business down rather than sell its assets.
I have no track record in predicting these types of things, but I would expect this not to change until Geoff passes and his heir(s) who seem not to want to run the business inherit it. Maybe they'll have an interest in selling. Or maybe not.