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bill53 - Posted - 06/14/2024:  09:38:58

how do you now a RB75 is real does it have to say blackjack are the numbers inside not on the back of the resonator found one not sure its real

BobbyE - Posted - 06/14/2024:  10:39:34

I don't think the early 75s were referred to as 'Blackjacks.' If I remember correctly when the reissues came out they referred to one as the Blackjack, and used an RB75 to pattern it after.
I would have thought an original PW 75 would have a number somewhere as would a Blackjack. But it is Gibson we are talking about but still. Further, not sure why someone would fake a Blackjack rather than a 75, if you are going to stress the name in your description.


The Old Timer - Posted - 06/14/2024:  11:56:50

The Blackjack is the gold plated, unique inlay version of Gibson's REISSUE RB 75.

There is a plainer RB 75 reissue, that uses common inlay patterns from various pre-war RB 75s (like JD Crowe's old one for instance). That inlay pattern is often called "the Reno pattern" cause it looks like Don Reno's pre-war. This reissue has nickel plating instead of gold. The truss rod cover still has "J.D. Crowe" inlaid into it with script. The guts of the banjo are the same as the Blackjack.

Both of these reissue RB 75s have slightly different tone ring from the identical LOOKING Greg Rich era RB 3s that carried the Reno inlay pattern. Those RB 3s used a Kulesh tone ring. The RB 75 reissue used a "Crowe" tone ring supplied by Sullivan -- made to JD Crowe's specs. It is also said the resonator is a SLIGHTLY different depth from the earlier Greg Rich RB 3. There are other tiny cosmetic differences, I understand.

I have a Greg Rich era RB 3 and a Blackjack and a standard RB 75 reissue and a custom RB 75 reissue. The RB 3 has best rounded tone/volume of them all. Quite sophisticated I think. The Blackjack is set up for "heavy duty" stage playing and it's a beast. The other two reissue RB 75s required different set up from all the others to get the best tone and volume. Mostly a MUCH tighter head, as tight as a Bflat or B note! They were not very distinguished sounding when set up with my usual G sharp head tightness. After a year or so of fussing with bridges and strings, I finally just cranked the heads' tightness up right smart (following Don Reno's sage advice). They woke right up!!!

If you're interested in PRE-WAR RB 75s, you're getting into a very expensive and mysterious twilight zone of Mastertones.

The reissue RB 75s have numbers stamped on the inside of the rim that begin with 75. No such number -- beware!

So, for the 1990s/2000s reissues, the gold one is the JD Crowe Blackjack, and it says Blackjack on the little pearl inlay near where the neck meets the pot, and "JD Crowe" on the truss rod cover. The nickel plated version has "MASTERTONE" on the little pearl block at the end of the fingerboard and says "JD Crowe"on the truss rod cover.  BOTH models are supposed to have JD's signatured on the gold decal inside the rim.  But I'm not 100% sure that happened on every single banjo.

If I have misstated anything I hope I will be corrected by others.

Edited by - The Old Timer on 06/14/2024 12:00:38

bill53 - Posted - 06/14/2024:  12:54:29

this one has a speed neck pattern on neck as the that is for sale 3200 and it is ruff going to ask for numbers no jd name

bill53 - Posted - 06/14/2024:  13:15:26

they wont respond probably a scam

bill53 - Posted - 06/14/2024:  19:40:24

man your the expert i quit looking when i found my 94 earl thanx

Old Hickory - Posted - 06/20/2024:  11:07:25


Originally posted by bill53

the rb finally responded what should i ask to know its real serial numbers?

Quoting here from the duplicate discussion you started, and which will probably be shut down.

What you want to ask is what is the serial number or FON (factory order number). I think on both a pre-war 75 and post-war 75 reissue, the number will be stamped into the inside of the rim. I could be wrong. Only a pre-war will sometimes have the number handwritten on the inside floor of the resonator. 

You also want to ask for a photo of the serial number so you can see for yourself. Also a photo of the banjo showing something that demonstrates the photo is taken today.

You also want good photos of the front and back of the banjo to show inlay and wood, so people who know this model will know what they're looking at.

Others who know more about these models will suggest more.



Edited by - Old Hickory on 06/20/2024 11:08:04

bill53 - Posted - 06/23/2024:  11:44:54

thanks this is 90 miles away

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