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Brooklynbanjoboy - Posted - 06/12/2024: 11:51:28
Just finished reading Bob Carlin’s new book, MY MEMORIES OF JOHN HARTFORD (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi).
If you admired John Hartford, loved his fiddling, embraced his banjoing – this is the book for you.
If you have even a modicum of interest about how bands come together, how teamwork develops, how repertoire evolves – this is the book for you.
If you have an enduring interest in bands that survived the Olympic challenges of staying on the road, performing to the last inch of energy of each musician – then buy this book because this is the book for you.
If you marvel at John Hartford’s endless energy, inventive musical thinking, ceaseless songwriting, and massive commitment to recording – this is surely the book for you.
And if your mind thrives when reading a well-wrought, skillfully constructed, heartfelt book by author/musician Bob Carlin who himself has endless energy, limitless creativity, and an iron commitment to performing and teaching – then buy this book, read this book, tell your friends about it, and read it through carefully, savoring the memories of John Hartford that Bob has captured in these pages.
Lew Stern
Bob Buckingham - Posted - 06/12/2024: 12:36:35
Carlin does a good job in this book of shedding light on Hartford's life and his philosophies of music, and life. It is an interesting read much like Mark Hembree's book did with Bill Monroe.
dbrooks - Posted - 06/12/2024: 12:57:08
Very helpful review, Lew. You have helped identify the audience who might be rewarded most by reading the book.
The Old Timer - Posted - 06/12/2024: 13:38:57
Thank you for this recommendation. I was unaware of this book. I just ordered it after reading this thread.
ssduke - Posted - 06/12/2024: 15:26:22
Amazon is selling the book at $25 softcover and $99 hardcover. The publisher, University of Mississippi Press, is selling both editions for half price. upress.state.ms.us/Books/M/My-...-Hartford
From The Basement - Posted - 06/12/2024: 18:06:40
Thanks for the tip on this book.
An automatic purchase for me.
John was the reason I first fell in love with the banjo seeing him on The Smothers Brothers / Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour in the late sixties.
I saw John open for Earl Scruggs Revue in the late seventies and took this amazing photo of him playing his fiddle.
I had it blown up to poster size.
In the 90’s I got to meet John and brought the enlarged photo to show him.
He loved it and he signed it for me in caligraphy.
A prized possession.
chuckv97 - Posted - 06/12/2024: 18:37:58
Originally posted by From The BasementThanks for the tip on this book.
An automatic purchase for me.
John was the reason I first fell in love with the banjo seeing him on The Smothers Brothers / Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour in the late sixties.
I saw John open for Earl Scruggs Revue in the late seventies and took this amazing photo of him playing his fiddle.
I had it blown up to poster size.
In the 90’s I got to meet John and brought the enlarged photo to show him.
He loved it and he signed it for me in caligraphy.
A prized possession.
Oops, no photo....?
Bill Rogers - Posted - 06/12/2024: 19:26:54
Ordered. Thanks to Lew for the heads-up and Steven for U MS Press info.
lazlototh - Posted - 06/13/2024: 04:31:04
Giving this to me for my birthday!
Thanks for the discount link!