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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Nechville Banjos

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DickieM - Posted - 06/10/2024:  19:19:40

So, at the risk of re-opening a touchy topic from several months ago, I now see where Tom Nechville has 'teamed up with' Turtle Hill Banjo Co. out of the state of MD. to create "Nechville East".... So my question is - Where are the Nechville's actually produced and manufactured.... My understanding is the former 'home' in Bloomington MN is shutdown? That was the shop where 'it all happened'...... So where is it 'happening' now?

here is the link to the original 'heated' discussion when this all began

HighLonesomeF5 - Posted - 06/11/2024:  04:56:22

Good question, have you emailed Tom?

alprice - Posted - 06/11/2024:  08:21:21

Tom will be building in Sisters, Oregon.

DickieM - Posted - 06/13/2024:  08:15:36

Thanks. No I haven't attempted to reach Tom. I am a Nechville owner, ( purchased in NOV 2020). I had traveled up to Bloomington and got a 'tour' of the place..... I dealt with Brett..... great fella! I had about a 6 month wait for mine to be made... It is unfortunate about their closing.....

gcpicken - Posted - 06/13/2024:  09:09:42


Originally posted by DickieM

Thanks. No I haven't attempted to reach Tom. I am a Nechville owner, ( purchased in NOV 2020). I had traveled up to Bloomington and got a 'tour' of the place..... I dealt with Brett..... great fella! I had about a 6 month wait for mine to be made... It is unfortunate about their closing.....

Things did seem to change when Brett left.

ceemonster - Posted - 06/13/2024:  14:46:37

The Turtle Hill team-up is likely a dealership/distribution, thing, I'd wager.

Edited by - ceemonster on 06/13/2024 14:50:50

gcpicken - Posted - 06/13/2024:  19:27:06


Originally posted by ceemonster

The Turtle Hill team-up is likely a dealership/distribution, thing, I'd wager.

From the Turtle Hill Website, it looks like you are correct. They don't seem to have any manufacturing facilities, and the show a "NECHVILLE TURTLE HILL CUSTOM PHANTOM" but none of the pictures show a name on the headstock.

HighLonesomeF5 - Posted - 06/14/2024:  02:09:39

I am seeing the Nechville logo on the TH model. Do you have a pic of a headstock without a logo?

Edited by - HighLonesomeF5 on 06/14/2024 02:09:57

gcpicken - Posted - 06/14/2024:  04:07:53


Originally posted by HighLonesomeF5

I am seeing the Nechville logo on the TH model. Do you have a pic of a headstock without a logo?

If you mean the "Nechville Turtle Hill model" it seems to come up different depending on whether the ipad is horizontal or vertical. But good luck to Turtle Hill!


Edited by - gcpicken on 06/14/2024 04:25:11

reubenstump - Posted - 06/14/2024:  07:48:37

So what's their gig? They don't seem to make their own banjos, just resell new and used banjos.  They seem to have a relationship with Pisgah.  The info seems to be minimal, at least to my untrained eye. They're online and sortif have a store/warehouse/whatever where you could go to see and try their stock - by appointment only.

Maybe I'm just dense, but I don't get it.

I ask because they're not far from where I live, and very close to where I used to live.

I have a mild urge to buy another open back (new or used), but could probably do just as well with the fine LeVan Super Woodie (flat top wooden tone ring) and entry level Goodtime I have (alternate tunings).

I've thought about buying another good banjo like the LeVan Super Woodie, but I don't know enough to know who/what else to look for in open backs.

I would want something good, but not great.

Sorry if I'm hijacking the thread. Maybe I should start a new one.

Edited by - reubenstump on 06/14/2024 07:54:15

Ira Gitlin - Posted - 06/14/2024:  11:25:09

What's their gig? They're a dealer. Like many other dealers for decades, they sometimes commission batches of special-order instruments from various makers.

Old Hickory - Posted - 06/14/2024:  20:00:53

And the business was sold in the past year or so. The new owner moved it to the Annapolis area from La Plata.

Ira Gitlin - Posted - 06/15/2024:  07:46:05


Originally posted by Old Hickory

And the business was sold in the past year or so. The new owner moved it to the Annapolis area from La Plata.

To clarify, Ken is talking about Turtle Hill, not Nechville. Turtle Hill founder Dave Schenkman sold the business to Danny Stewart.


gcpicken - Posted - 06/19/2024:  13:40:56

Hi thought you all might be interested in this. It discusses the relationship with Nechville and Turtle Hill.

Pick-A-Lick - Posted - 06/20/2024:  05:55:37


Originally posted by gcpicken

Hi thought you all might be interested in this. It discusses the relationship with Nechville and Turtle Hill.

Great information for us Nechville banjo players and fans. Thanks for posting this article. 

LJL - Posted - 07/08/2024:  12:12:25


Originally posted by LJL

Tom builds banjos in Sisters, Oregon, where he has lived since 2020.

Tom has reduced the number of authorized Nechville dealers to a handful. Those dealers know how Nechville banjos work.

You can find the list of authorized Nechville dealers and those who are authorized to provide both sales and service at

In addition to his build and repair shop (Tom Nechville’s Custom Shop), Tom also operates a retail banjo store, Nechville Banjos West, also in Sisters.

Danny Stewart at Turtle Hill Banjos is the only authorized Nechville service center on the East coast.

If you have any questions, call Tom at (612) 275-6602.


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