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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Headed to my first banjo camp

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Banannajo - Posted - 06/06/2024:  06:53:48

I am beyond excited to be attending my first banjo camp. I think the biggest
challenge will be choosing the right classes. But really even that doesn't matter, as long as I learn something and have fun. Most of all it will be an opportunity to play with others, which I am not sure I am ready for. Actually I know I'm not, but better to try than never attempt.

monstertone - Posted - 06/06/2024:  07:19:14

Just being able to vamp chords &  keep up is a giant leap forward. Assuming you already know the basic chords G, C, & D (1, 4, &5). Speed should not be an issue. After all, it's a banjo camp. Enjoy.

hofstbr - Posted - 06/06/2024:  07:33:03

You should have a great time. Definitely go to the slow jams and you should be fine. I kept a schedule of the classes with me at all times with the ones I wanted to go to highlighted. I deviated from it twice, but that gives you a framework so you're not trying decide between every class what's next. Go with a plan but be flexible. Don't shy away from classes you think may be beyond your ability, particularly if it's taught by an instructor you'd like to hear. Sometimes the stories they tell are as valuable as the instruction.

Ira Gitlin - Posted - 06/06/2024:  07:43:21


In any case, enjoy yourself. Soak up whatever info and experiences you can. It may take a while for you to sort it all out, but you'll get a lot out of it.

djenks - Posted - 06/06/2024:  07:46:39

Have a blast!

Texasbanjo - Posted - 06/06/2024:  08:07:31

Most camps have a beginner session and that may be what you need. Go, learn, enjoy.

Be sure to go to the slow jams if they have them. I taught one (not at camp) and we went through what song(s) would be played, what t he chord progression was, what the time signature was and what the tempo was. Then we called out the chords as we played along. That seems to help those who aren't used to playing with others.

If they have a nightly concert, be sure to go. Those are usually worth the cost of admission.

If there's anything else that really interests you on the agenda, try it, you may find it's just what you wanted and you may find it wasn't at all what you wanted.

Above all, go, enjoy, soak up all the knowledge you can, take all the free tabs and information to work on later. I always took a little hand recorder, one that would not only record, but you could take it back to your computer and download it.

wrench13 - Posted - 06/06/2024:  08:53:51

Ditto the recommendation for a small recorder - essential for these kinds of field trips or camps.

danielburdett - Posted - 06/06/2024:  09:15:18

I've been to one camp and it was great! It definitely feel like you're trying to drink from a firehose, but it's still great fun! As stated above, it'll take some time to sink in, and you'll probably feel overwhelmed, but just enjoy it while you're there.

From The Basement - Posted - 06/06/2024:  10:34:51

What a cool experience.
I have never attended a camp and would love to one day.
Love to hear the stories and thoughts when you get back..

Ira Gitlin - Posted - 06/06/2024:  12:19:24

Let me add that in addition to the tunes, licks, techniques, and specific playing knowledge that you'll acquire at a camp, you'll also gain some bigger knowledge: a wider glimpse of what's out there on the banjo scene, and some idea of what you have yet to learn, so you can focus your energies appropriately.

Owen - Posted - 06/06/2024:  15:10:36

 I attended a banjo camp 8 or 9 years back.  The food was top notch. yes

Banannajo - Posted - 06/06/2024:  19:28:38

Yes, It is Mid Western Banjo camp. I attended my first Jam. It was a slow jam lead by Billick and Bowness. They were great. I did everything wrong, lol and they were so nice about it. I think this will be fun.

Scrubbing Monkeys - Posted - 06/08/2024:  09:02:24 absolutely wonderful. Eyes n ears open, no fear. Have a great time. Let us know how it went.


Banannajo - Posted - 06/15/2024:  10:01:31

Well That was fun. Actually Bowness wasn't there. The first slow Jam was lead by someone else in
her stead. I learned that I have so much more to learn and My goal is to go again next year with
better skills and knowledge behind me.
What a great thing, banjo camps. So much knowledge.

monstertone - Posted - 06/15/2024:  11:51:35


Originally posted by Banannajo

Well That was fun. Actually Bowness wasn't there. The first slow Jam was lead by someone else in

her stead. I learned that I have so much more to learn and My goal is to go again next year with

better skills and knowledge behind me.

What a great thing, banjo camps. So much knowledge.

Congratulations. Were you able to vamp chords while someone else played lead? Exchange phone #s with anyone near you?

Banannajo - Posted - 06/15/2024:  12:19:48

No one near me, but I did get a chance to vamp chords,
which was fun.

monstertone - Posted - 06/17/2024:  11:21:20

What do you consider near? Modesto ain't exactly what I would call out in the sticks. smiley Google  California Old TIme Fiddlers Association & find the one nearest you.

Edited by - monstertone on 06/17/2024 11:31:52

gcpicken - Posted - 06/17/2024:  19:42:18

You are much braver than I! I’m happy for you!

monstertone - Posted - 06/21/2024:  09:38:08

Living in Paradise is tough. The Modesto area is not likely to be bursting at the seams from bluegrass banjo pickers. You may have to drive forty, or more, miles. crying

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