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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Red Lobster...

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STUD figmo Al - Posted - 05/21/2024:  03:17:32

Files chapter 11 bankruptcy...

What others are out or in trouble?

Texasbanjo - Posted - 05/21/2024:  04:50:17

With their prices for dinner, it's no surprise that they're going bankrupt. They're not the only one overcharging (In my opinion) for food, have you priced fast food lately? It's getting almost as expensive as sit down, get waited on dining. (I don't eat fast food, but I do read articles about the cost).

Even my favorite Mexican restaurant is now getting too expensive to afford.

Paulf - Posted - 05/21/2024:  04:59:22

I don't do take-away any more due to the high cost and have noticed when I go for a motorcycle ride and we stop for coffee and cake that the prices have really gone up so much but I was talking to one of the owners and she was stating that they have no choice due to wages, electricity and food prices that has really made it hard for them and they are unsure of the future.

slammer - Posted - 05/21/2024:  05:07:48

Never been to a Red Lobster so I guess I’m not missing anything!!!

STUD figmo Al - Posted - 05/21/2024:  05:10:41

They not the only ones .Slammer..

Buddur - Posted - 05/21/2024:  06:00:56

I read an article a few weeks ago about the demise of Red Lobster.

Unfortunately, it's a story of many internal business issues and poor management decisions culminating to their end.

rinemb - Posted - 05/21/2024:  07:24:00

I have not been to one in decades. I miss the biscuits more than anything else.
In hurry, we went to our nearby local multi-joint, burger drive-through. Their burgers are fairly big. I had a #1 Burger, Marilyn ordered a salad, and we shared a medium fries. Cost 19.53 USD. What would it cost to feed a family? Brad

banjo bill-e - Posted - 05/21/2024:  08:50:45

I used to take my Mom there for lunch. She loved their cheese biscuits and the local place would always send a few extras home with her. Lobster, for anything decent, has now moved beyond my affordability range, sad to say.

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/21/2024:  10:44:54

I’m sitting in a ,,horror,, McDonalds while my car is getting a new windshield put in,,, hot cakes & bacon , seniors coffee : $5.79

I’ve done worse….

Edited by - chuckv97 on 05/21/2024 10:45:28

heavy5 - Posted - 05/21/2024:  12:43:13


Originally posted by slammer

Never been to a Red Lobster so I guess I’m not missing anything!!!


Myself either Dale , I'm allergic to shellfish .(:0(  

Bill Rogers - Posted - 05/21/2024:  12:58:57

CA fast-food workers now make a minimum of $20 per hour. That increased cost will be borne by customers. If they don’t show up with new and higher prices, the restaurants will close. Restaurants have always been a high risk, tenuous investment. Now more than ever. That said, the stories i’ve seen on Red Lobster suggest years of mismanagement borne of out-and-out incompetence. Used to eat there regularly, but haven’t been in years for reasons having nothing to do with economics. I neither know nor care about the fate of the Red Lobster my family used to patronize.

Owen - Posted - 05/21/2024:  16:45:26

Several years back I taught with a teacher from Newfieland.   She said she never developed a taste for lobster, because when she was a kid, it was considered "poor people's food."  I'm guessing that she was a bit younger than me, which would put much of her childhood years in 1960-'75ish. Dunno if that time frame meshes with this story, but ....  .

banjo bill-e - Posted - 05/21/2024:  19:14:58

They were never upscale; they relied upon working folks who could afford to treat themselves now and then. Perhaps fewer people find such treats affordable these days? If so then many restaurant chains are going to be in trouble.

Hardison16Picker - Posted - 05/21/2024:  20:19:25

Same will happen with Buffalo Wild Wings. The endless boneless wings is the same thing that Red Lobster with the endless shrimp. Just another way to get people in the door and get bankrupt.

bill53 - Posted - 05/22/2024:  08:49:49

Sam Ash closing

Bill Rogers - Posted - 05/22/2024:  14:51:00

I suspect many closings in the last year or so are fallout from the pandemic. Stores and restaurants took hits that they couldn’t ride out, even as customers began returning—and also many operations for whom their customers (or enough of them) never returned. And for some, add to that the kind of mismanagement that Red Lobster suffered with. On the horizon: the effects of the pending tariff whack at China (which will of course be mostly paid for by U.S. consumers—one way or another). 

Edited by - Bill Rogers on 05/22/2024 14:52:11

South Jersey Mike - Posted - 05/22/2024:  15:21:19


Originally posted by Bill Rogers

CA fast-food workers now make a minimum of $20 per hour. That increased cost will be borne by customers. If they don’t show up with new and higher prices, the restaurants will close. Restaurants have always been a high risk, tenuous investment. Now more than ever. That said, the stories i’ve seen on Red Lobster suggest years of mismanagement borne of out-and-out incompetence. Used to eat there regularly, but haven’t been in years for reasons having nothing to do with economics. I neither know nor care about the fate of the Red Lobster my family used to patronize.

As someone who runs restaurants, the labor vs food cost ratio is significantly overblown. In many cases even a 30% increase in wages can be offset by a slightly less than 4% increase in menu prices. 

steve davis - Posted - 05/22/2024:  15:26:23

Maine's participation in catching lobsters is on thin ice.
There are bigger fish interested in the Gulf of Maine.

South Jersey Mike - Posted - 05/22/2024:  15:30:43

Red Lobster has been living on the edge for a long time, once a chain is so large that they are owned by a finance group they basically cease to be restaurants and instead become property holdings. The writing was really on the wall for Red Lobster because a finance group owned 49% of the company for years but never saw the value in grabbing another 2% for control of the business. Also, Americans have steadily moved more to quick-serve over full-scale restaurants, as families shrink and see less value in sit down dinners. Chick-fil-A, Raising Canes, and In-and-Out Burger bring in more in sales with less square footage.

steve davis - Posted - 05/22/2024:  15:36:31

Seafood is better for digestion than burgers.

STUD figmo Al - Posted - 05/22/2024:  15:51:05


Originally posted by steve davis

Maine's participation in catching lobsters is on thin ice.

There are bigger fish interested in the Gulf of Maine.

Steve ..

Would you please explain more on this...


steve davis - Posted - 05/23/2024:  04:42:19

The danger to Right whales (ropes in the water) and the very expensive and yet untested "rope less gear" solution.
Raising of the minimum size of lobsters
Other new regulations
Rebuilding of shoreline wharves and businesses
Rising costs of boat building,gear purchasing
Unknowns of "ropeless gear" discouraging fishermen to stay in the business.
The Haig court dividing the Gulf of Maine amongst the energy companies.

STUD figmo Al - Posted - 05/23/2024:  06:09:56


STUD figmo Al - Posted - 05/23/2024:  06:14:44

STUD figmo Al - Posted - 05/23/2024:  14:00:59


List if closing n down sizing ..

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/23/2024:  15:06:35

Folks that limit their eating-out will likely spend their disposable income somewhere else, so from a layman’s economic view here I don’t see much change in the gu’m’nt tax haul.

5B-Ranch - Posted - 05/23/2024:  15:10:57

I saw the writing on the wall when tip sharing became the norm. It’s trickle down economics. Then the gratuity expectations and or demand added too the check. That pushed customers out the front door so to speak.

South Jersey Mike - Posted - 05/23/2024:  17:57:21


Originally posted by STUD figmo Al


List if closing n down sizing ..


Bro, your link got censored :) 

Edited by - South Jersey Mike on 05/23/2024 17:57:33

chuckv97 - Posted - 05/23/2024:  18:06:02

Mike, ya hafta fill in the “itch” to get the link.

It’s quite a website… not sure if they’re legit, but then I’m biased


Edited by - chuckv97 on 05/23/2024 18:08:31

banjoak - Posted - 05/23/2024:  18:47:11

I thought the topic was going to be about Red Lobster using AI to create their ad.

Edited by - banjoak on 05/23/2024 18:47:39

STUD figmo Al - Posted - 05/24/2024:  03:47:59


Originally posted by South Jersey Mike


Originally posted by STUD figmo Al


List if closing n down sizing ..


Bro, your link got censored :) 

Just type in the letters..

STUD figmo Al - Posted - 05/24/2024:  03:53:26


Originally posted by banjoak

I thought the topic was going to be about Red Lobster using AI to create their ad.


But that was interesting...

I had not seen that comercial...

N...if i had..i would not of noticed Ai..

As the music...


 N...with an ethnic slant too..

That could be interesting..

steve davis - Posted - 05/24/2024:  09:23:19

I might turn to "bootlegging" lobsters if they get outlawed.

It's extra tough on Maine fishermen since that same Haig court cast a dividing line into the Gulf of "Maine" and told Canada they could have the East'ard side to themselves.
Canada doesn't have the same restrictions applied on their lobstermen.They're still using float rope.

STUD figmo Al - Posted - 05/24/2024:  11:07:06

Yeah...n China n India...still pollute big time...

Dose not seem fair...

steve davis - Posted - 05/24/2024:  12:17:59

Last I knew Japan still kills a certain number of Antarctican whales each year for research purposes.

reubenstump - Posted - 05/26/2024:  16:33:56

I went to the grocery store today.

While looking for cornmeal I noticed boxes of Red Lobster biscuit mix for sale. I have no reason to think they wouldn't be viable.

Near the checkout I saw Red Lobster gift cards along with all the others that were available. Hmmm... not sure that these are viable, though.

Elmo_Smiley - Posted - 05/27/2024:  06:25:43

The RL near me, still 20+ miles away, has gained a reputation over the last ten years of being very overpriced and quality of food has suffered greatly. While everyone used to want one in my smaller neighboring city, the company promised it would never happen. I can see why now. The last time I was there several years ago was my last. IT wasn't pretty. I'm not surprised to see them go.
And I must say, I won't be very surprised to see many sit downs hit the rocks, and even some fast food venues. I always thought increased prices without wages matching would bring about a real reckoning in the restaurant world someday. But then again, it's increasingly harder to buy groceries at home these days as well.

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