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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Two Finger rhythm?

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6stringedRamble - Posted - 03/10/2024:  03:29:00

Everyone once in while I'll try Clifton Hick's tutorials for like Pretty Polly or Prodigal Son. I can do the melody good from following the tutorial and listening, but can never really get how he's producing the rhythm.

Can anyone offer some advice on this?

janolov - Posted - 03/10/2024:  04:51:28

I think itr is not the rhythm in itself. It is more to pick the string at the right angel at the right time.

My advice: listen carefully, try over and over, exercise about 10,000 times.


banjered - Posted - 03/10/2024:  07:20:13

I can't say that I am clear on Clifton's approach to Pretty Polly. On You Tube you can bring PP up and then go to settings at the bottom and slow it way down, perhaps that will help you. Have you listened to Jack Beuthin's approach to PP which is in the banjo tab library here. I play 2FTL but I don't do the CH "gallop" which is 1, 2(pause), 3, and 4. The pause is what makes the gallop. Instead I just do a pretty straight 1234 timing which Clifton may be doing. I use 1234 for slow ballads and regular CH for faster, more upbeat tunes. There are two approaches to claw hammer timing 2FTL, T pause FT, and T pause TF. Clifton does the former, Jack the second....I think. We are all wired differently, you'll have to figure out what works for you, no one "correct" way to do any of this, but timing rules above all else! banjered

thisoldman - Posted - 03/10/2024:  09:09:09

This may not help, but... Back in the day when I was just started playing the banjo, I switched to 2FTL pretty quick. Took me a month to learn and memorize that first tune. There was a part of it that didn't quite sound right, though. I played that tune literally every day as part of my practice routine. A year later (yes, a year) the rhythm for that part finally fell into place. One of the things that tab doesn't do well is the rhythm of the tune. Sometimes a tune calls for what I think of is a little bit of "swing" or "shuffle" timing. I think that is the "pause" Tom is talking about.

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