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s_ou_b - Posted - 03/04/2024: 08:20:31
Banjo Bolton No. Not usually.
The versions I know are quite different.
The Last Chance I know best is Hobart's; I think it's an unusual fDFCD tuning.
What versions are you listening to that you think sound the same?
Perhaps if we knew we could judge in what ways they are similar.
sh47 - Posted - 03/04/2024: 08:33:14
I've also never made this connection in my mind, and I would argue they're very much distinct tunes. The most salient difference to me is that they're in different modes, Dorian/"Mountain Minor" for last chance and Ionian/"Major" for cripple creek, which give them darker/lighter feels (Note this isn't just about how the banjo is tuned but about the tunes using different scales). That said, I can see where there are similarities in form and melody that might lead you to hear them as kind of major/minor cousins. They both open with an A part that basically repeats variations on a lick that starts with a pattern accenting the high octave of the root (on the banjo in the standard tunings for the respective tunes this is also the same as the pitch of the 5th string giving them a sort of "ding-a-ling" feel) and then wander around to some lower tone, then they both have a lower B part consisting again of variations on a repeating lick that starts by sliding into the third (major third for cripple creek and minor third for last chance).
Edited by - sh47 on 03/04/2024 08:37:04
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