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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Anybody have any pre-picking rituals?

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Bridgebuster - Posted - 12/16/2023:  18:36:09

For instance before I start picking I always wash my hands in pretty hot water for at least a minute. I feel like it loosens up my fingers but maybe that's just psychological.

TN Time - Posted - 12/16/2023:  21:56:26

No rituals but I do try to warm up by playing a few licks and a few bars of "Fireball Mail." I guess one could consider this to be my ritual.

Texasbanjo - Posted - 12/17/2023:  04:45:25

I have a number of exercises I do to loosen up the joints and get the fingers and brain working together.

I make a full 4 finger chord at the first G chord and go up chromatically, changing index and ring fingers all the way up and back down doing just a vamp. Then I do the same thing but do a full forward roll on each chord all the way up and down. I do 2 more exercises similar to this up and down the neck. Then I do several hot licks that I use a lot and a couple sometimes that I'm working on.

By the time I get through, my fingers seem to come alive and I can continue on with my practice.

randybartlett - Posted - 12/17/2023:  06:31:05

I might try your hot water trick. That sounds nice.

It takes a little before my fingers work smoothly. In the past, that was trouble at jams and gigs. I'd get some stage fright if I started off too quick and bungled it up.

Now, as I drive to a gig, I listen to the radio and do some rolls on the edge of the console. At first, I'd do specific rolls. Later, I figure out that just random picking in time with the radio is what works best for me.

I hear the song and try to pick right on the beat. I usually know the song and some riff is in my mind and I try rolling exactly to that. It seems like getting the synchronization of the beat and my fingers really helps me. I don't even think that the muscle warmup is as important as getting my timing made undormant.

steve davis - Posted - 12/17/2023:  06:37:03

I play better as my hands warm up after coming in from the cold winter air.

Erik Gran - Posted - 12/17/2023:  08:01:21

Here is an app with general warmup exercises specifically made for musicians. Developed here in Saxony, Germany, and thus in German, but may be useful even if you don't read/speak German.

I've tried it, and find the idea of whole body warmup very good, as a lot of tension problems really are seated far away from the fingers, mainly in neck/shoulder area.


monstertone - Posted - 12/17/2023:  09:14:46

It was a "light bulb moment" for me when I learned OJC. So that became my warm-up exercise, played as fast as possible. Later it became melodic scales in G, C, & D, both up and back down. Reminiscent of Bobby Thompson's playing.

Edited by - monstertone on 12/17/2023 09:16:39

rcc56 - Posted - 12/17/2023:  10:40:39

Groucho Marx said that his brother Chico used to soak his hands in warm water before playing the piano.

chuckv97 - Posted - 12/17/2023:  10:56:12

From Pat Cloud - open and close your hands quickly 20 times
- also, I stretch the fingers apart sideways and lengthwise
- I play a forward-backward roll slowly and lightly
- I play a bit of single string style , snippets from Salt Creek and Cold Frosty Morning
- and this one….

chuckv97 - Posted - 12/17/2023:  11:19:04

Some days I do these by BHO member Kurt Kemp

Gallaher - Posted - 01/01/2024:  20:55:30

I am so undisciplined. I put my picks and try to remember what I want to work on.

Owen - Posted - 01/02/2024:  15:03:44

... generally I put the pick on my "M" finger first .... does that count?  Fwiw, usually "M" is also the first one off, as "I' then fits inside.   devil

Bridgebuster - Posted - 01/02/2024:  16:05:21

I usually put on my thumb pick first.

Ira Gitlin - Posted - 01/03/2024:  08:14:21

I bow three times in the direction of Flint Hill, NC, twice in the direction of Kalamazoo, MI, and once in the direction of the Birchmere in Alexandria, VA. Then I pour a libation--usually bourbon--to nourish the shades of those who have gone on before us. Only then do I take up the ol' five, whisper thanks to it, and tune it....

Jack Baker - Posted - 01/03/2024:  09:24:03

Ah, horsepucky Ira,

You just wanted a drink...HA Kidding of course...Jack   p.s. I prefer a pint of Haagendazs (spelling)? and then I take off my shoes and start picking

Edited by - Jack Baker on 01/03/2024 09:27:23

NotABanjoYoda - Posted - 01/03/2024:  09:40:49

I place a hammer next to my hands and say in an Elvis voice to my fingers "Better behave".

Then I take my banjo out of its swaddling clothes and light some infense while reciting the alphabet from the letter b to the letter o, or r if Im feeling my Appallat ruuts.

Might not work for everyone.

stanleytone - Posted - 01/06/2024:  15:22:57

While i dont usually have any pre playing routine, i find that my fingers are most limber when first waking up.

Edited by - stanleytone on 01/06/2024 15:24:00

chuckv97 - Posted - 01/06/2024:  15:37:01

Wow,, I wish mine were, Gary! That’s when mine are the least flexible,, I have to do finger & hand stretches before I can play. I guess at 74 I shouldn’t complain.

Good Buddy - Posted - 01/06/2024:  17:04:44

If I want to make sure that I'm going to sound extra nice, I slaughter a lamb and smear the entrails over my tunic. But, nothing out of the ordinary.

steve davis - Posted - 01/08/2024:  15:11:30

I don't necessarily plan for it,but I seem to begin many banjo trips with Don Stover's "Old Liza Jane".
Pretty good workout especially when reaching for the upper octave break.

Jack Baker - Posted - 01/08/2024:  15:34:53

Ha, nice. Now did you eat that lamb after you put it to death?....just checkin'.....Jack

Originally posted by Good Buddy

If I want to make sure that I'm going to sound extra nice, I slaughter a lamb and smear the entrails over my tunic. But, nothing out of the ordinary.


steve davis - Posted - 01/09/2024:  09:02:36


Originally posted by Good Buddy

If I want to make sure that I'm going to sound extra nice, I slaughter a lamb and smear the entrails over my tunic. But, nothing out of the ordinary.

Maybe just eating some kibbeh would give you the same result without the laundry bill.

tullman - Posted - 01/09/2024:  10:40:47

hey, I'm going to try that hot water routine.....thanks. Was using single malt scotch but it was getting expensive!

Bridgebuster - Posted - 01/09/2024:  11:15:32


Originally posted by tullman

hey, I'm going to try that hot water routine.....thanks. Was using single malt scotch but it was getting expensive!

Hope that will help you.  It sure does help me.

phb - Posted - 01/10/2024:  02:01:28


Originally posted by tullman

hey, I'm going to try that hot water routine.....thanks. Was using single malt scotch but it was getting expensive!

Soaking your fingers in single malt scotch? Well, to each their own... smiley

tullman - Posted - 01/10/2024:  20:39:29

Only when I run out of Krombacher.......cheers

Doug Moore - Posted - 01/11/2024:  16:46:37

Try Kentucky Fried. Finger pickin lickin good

pickinpenguin - Posted - 01/12/2024:  05:41:16

there are a couple licks and tunes that i always start with just to get my brain and my hands coordinated. one is a melodic version of ‘soldier’s joy’ in D, to get me out of thinking just in G. the other is the ascending/descending diminished lick that alan munde plays at the end of ‘deputy dalton’, because it’s got some tricky right hand work. i start slow and once i get those up to speed i’m ready for other stuff.

odetogibson - Posted - 01/12/2024:  06:07:04

I like the finger warming and exercise suggestions- great idea. I start at a slowish tempo and play easily, usually forward backward rolls and listen for the tonality that I want. Then I go to a song that I’ve had trouble getting perfect, playing slower, easy but in tempo and try to perfect the sound and to relax my fingers, avoiding practicing mistakes. Then I might try a random song, focusing on the melody and playing in tempo.

banjofann - Posted - 01/12/2024:  07:23:00

First I have a cup of strong coffee! I worm up fretting hand by doing the exercise Alan Munde has in Masters of the Five String Banjo. Than I practice rolls up and down the neck in G. Lastly I pick Theme Time.

SilasFSmith - Posted - 01/12/2024:  07:58:10

Well, its not so much a ritual, but more of a safety precaution. First I walk thru the house to make sure the wife and kids are gone, I dont want to damage their hearing or incur their wrath, then I put the dogs out, if I dont they tend to howl and bite the furniture. Then I close all of the windows and draw the curtains, I forgot this step one time and I killed several trees in my yard when the bark peeled off. At this point im pretty ready to start, and I can usually practice until the first or second brick comes thru a window. Then its time to stop and clean up.

theronb - Posted - 01/12/2024:  09:24:15

Don't know if this qualifies as a "ritual" but I have been using a CBD=based cream to relieve the arthritis stiffness and pain in my hands. I've tried all the others - Voltaire, capsaicin, Aspercreme, etc. and CBD is the only thing that works for me. As a hemp product, it may not be legal in your area but I get the stuff with 0% THC actual lot analysis so there is no buzz.

jumahl - Posted - 01/12/2024:  10:42:04


Originally posted by steve davis

I play better as my hands warm up after coming in from the cold winter air.

I played at a maypole party on a cold afternoon/evening. There was a pretty tall bonfire we faced as we played. People would come stand in front of us to listen - and block the heat, so we played slower and slower. When they moved we gradually sped back up. We needed some crowd control.

Dale Diehl - Posted - 01/13/2024:  08:20:27

I don't have one but think I need one. I remember Eli Gilbert talking about his routine that seemed good. Lately I've become aware that I have a bad habit of swiping at the strings rather than picking them. Getting my hand in the right
position and concentrating on good clean action, picking slower at first.

Owen - Posted - 01/13/2024:  08:34:29

Theron: "...  I get the stuff with 0% THC actual lot analysis so there is no buzz."

On a banjo forum I assume you're talking string buzz???

On a somewhat more serious note [unintentional pun?] is it be possible to absorb enuff THC thru the hands to have any effect?   [Not saying that that's a way to get value fer yer money, but ..... ??]

Paul R - Posted - 01/13/2024:  11:23:15

My pre-picking ritual: Take the banjo out of the case.

o2playlikeEarl - Posted - 01/13/2024:  11:38:12

I put some icy hot on the back of my right hand and joints on my middle & index picking hand also at the base of my thumb. They sell it in a roll on so you don’t have to apply it with bare hand. I do this 10-15 min before I pick up banjo for it to start loosing things up.

Edited by - o2playlikeEarl on 01/13/2024 11:38:51

Outbackrack - Posted - 01/13/2024:  15:45:20

Set the cruise control.

Carl Robin - Posted - 01/14/2024:  09:01:31

Coffee, water, or beer, depending on the time of day. "Ritual" beverages are preferred. I simply slip the strap over my head, and focus on multiple aspects of posture, while stumbling through a few tunes that I haven't learned very well yet, to get focused and warmed up. At a session, hopefully someone else will get the ball rolling.

reallyoldman - Posted - 01/15/2024:  08:16:28


Originally posted by Bridgebuster

For instance before I start picking I always wash my hands in pretty hot water for at least a minute. I feel like it loosens up my fingers but maybe that's just psychological.

In my last life, I was an Orthopaedic Surgeon, specializing in the Shoulder and the Hand. So I can assure you that it is not psychological.  The warmth dilates the blood vessels (cold constricts them) which "limbers up" the joints to give you freer mobility.

steve davis - Posted - 01/16/2024:  07:16:44

For years my Country Choir band played the "Blessing of the Fleet" party on the big Monhegan Mailboat wharf about halfway through October.
October evenings on a Port Clyde wharf are quite chilly.
When they decided to rent a huge tent and heaters things became much more pleasant.

writerrad - Posted - 01/16/2024:  12:48:55

quote:makes me happy that this is the first contribution, the best one and should not be neglected

Originally posted by Bridgebuster

For instance before I start picking I always wash my hands in pretty hot water for at least a minute. I feel like it loosens up my fingers but maybe that's just psychological.


steve davis - Posted - 02/14/2024:  07:34:07

I pray for peace in the world as I'm opening my banjo case.

Fracker - Posted - 02/14/2024:  10:37:27

I'm very new to banjo. Putting on the finger picks is about it right now. But I'm working on improving my rituals, so I'm going to try some of these. Not all of them, I don't have any lambs to kill. As far as soaking hands in hot water, how do you soak them when you are at a bluegrass jam or something like that? A Thermos?

phb - Posted - 02/15/2024:  01:20:28


Originally posted by steve davis

I pray for peace in the world as I'm opening my banjo case.

I pray for peace in the neighbourhood as I'm opening my banjo case.


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