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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Contact info for Randall Wyatt Custom Banjos?

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GStump - Posted - 08/26/2023:  08:59:59

Hello folks in banjo land! I have searched high and low for a contact phone number for Randall Wyatt Custom Banjos (In Searcy AR if not mistaken) and am unable to find it. Can someone here give me a good contact number please? FYI - I have sent a couple emails and messages to him via the hangout in the last couple weeks and have not heard back from him. I realize he could simply be tied up or out of town, so I certainly wouldn't want to bother him! Thanks in advance for any help!

TLG - Posted - 08/26/2023:  09:36:16

Hi Greg,
he usually answeres quick
I know hw is REAL busy

lightgauge - Posted - 08/26/2023:  14:00:18

It's randall_wyatt in the address

GStump - Posted - 08/26/2023:  20:05:38

Got it folks, and Randall did answer my last email to him. I am not real sure what was going on, it may be that I had an incorrect email address for him. I thought I was sending msgs to the very same address that was given in this thread. Randall said "the one he answered or got from me today, was the FIRST one he had received." So all is good. Thanks again.

TLG - Posted - 08/27/2023:  06:32:48

somehow all Randall's address was underlined, thanks Bobby for the correction.

lightgauge - Posted - 08/27/2023:  08:17:50

Glad to help. I thought that blue line was the problem, so I just did the first part to prevent it from recognizing it as an email on mine.

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