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pat_mccarley - Posted - 08/13/2023: 12:59:37
I’m thinking of selling my 1983 Stelling Sunflower banjo. I purchased it directly from Stelling banjos in 2018. Geoff Stelling did the setup. I’m including the OHSC, a new Stelling banjo strap and five medium Stelling banjo strings. I’ve included recent photos I took of the banjo. Let me know if you need any additional pictures. Also, any information on the pot assembly would be helpful too.
rcc56 - Posted - 08/13/2023: 13:15:53
Elderly sold one recently at a listed price of $4250.
Banjo Warehouse is currently listing one for $5349.
Both have plainer rims than yours, with no binding on the bottom edge of the rim.
Since yours has a fancy rim with bindings on the bottom edge, you might want to boost the price a bit, at least to start with.
Edited by - rcc56 on 08/13/2023 13:18:41
the-fish - Posted - 08/13/2023: 13:25:42
Appears to be the three ply stew Mac rim made between block and the pass block
Personally I liked them the best
Mark Douglas - Posted - 08/13/2023: 13:44:40
Originally posted by rcc56
Since yours has a fancy rim with bindings on the bottom edge, you might want to boost the price a bit, at least to start with.
Why boost the price just a bit?
Why not go "whole hog" and boost it
significantly? Every other Stelling seller is
doing that!
NotABanjoYoda - Posted - 08/13/2023: 16:11:06
Id list it for 8000 and give it a few months. Then when you drop it to 6000, it will seem like a bargain.
Fathand - Posted - 08/13/2023: 18:05:42
Originally posted by the-fishAppears to be the three ply stew Mac rim made between block and the pass block
Personally I liked them the best
I agree, loved my 85 Golden Cross. Sadly I parted with it. The Cooperman rim was also in between the Stew Mac and the Pass rim.
Edited by - Fathand on 08/13/2023 18:08:48
Mark Douglas - Posted - 08/13/2023: 18:17:28
Originally posted by NotABanjoYodaId list it for 8000 and give it a few months. Then when you drop it to 6000, it will seem like a bargain.
Oh...yes...Now....that's the American way!
I love to see the free market in full swing!
It's times like these we need to recall the words of Gekko from the movie Wall Street...
"Greed is Good!"
I hope you're taking notes here Pat!
Edited by - Mark Douglas on 08/13/2023 18:24:35
Mark Douglas - Posted - 08/13/2023: 18:29:02
And ...if someone gives you a hard time on pricing, just point to this thread as proof that this banjo should sell for big bucks. Furthermore, do not forget to point out that Mr. Stelling is no longer making banjos. Once a potential buyer is aware of that.... he'll be ready to mortgage the house to buy this banjo.
Edited by - Mark Douglas on 08/13/2023 18:30:55
NotABanjoYoda - Posted - 08/14/2023: 07:29:35
Elderly still has the Sunflower for 4250. Probably best comp.
NotABanjoYoda - Posted - 08/14/2023: 08:14:55
Because it is sold is why its the best comp, and it is still listed on their site to use as a comp condition, year etc
The OP can also search BHO for sold and expired listings to get a feel for how high the price can be pushed.