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TheGil - Posted - 08/12/2023: 13:00:54
So I have a line on a Saga Kit Banjo from 1977. It is labeled “Deluxe” so my guess is it might be the RK3 from that era. Appears to be intact and partially assembled. I believe it is an arch top with a single piece aluminum tone ring. The seller is asking $200 obo and I was wondering if $100 would be a fair offer. I can’t find a lot of info about these kits other than in some cases they were made with reasonably good components. Any help or background info would be appreciated. It seems to have no use or damage. Thanks.
Fathand - Posted - 08/12/2023: 13:22:09
$200 seems cheap compared to the current MSRP. You can offer $100 , the seller may say yes, no, or take it off the market if they feel insulted. I've seen that happen.
That said, if it is partly assembled, you may have to undo some work.
TheGil - Posted - 08/12/2023: 14:13:11
Those links you posted are for a newer Saga. This is a vintage banjo from 1977. Not sure of all the changes over the years.
banjonz - Posted - 08/12/2023: 14:49:37
One of those 70's ones turned up here in NZ in my town through an auction house. The chap who bought it came to me for lessons. This gave me a chance to have a good looks at it. They are solidly build. I don't know the going price for it over there but here is sold for NZ$300/US$150.
heavy5 - Posted - 08/13/2023: 05:00:49
Used to sell these when a Saga dealer back in the late 70's & 80's ----- a great bang for the buck ! Not sure what the later configurations evolved to , but those were w/ the aluminum rim w/ mahogany wood .
If the kit is all there in good condition , even 200 now days I feel is a fair price as the finished banjo can be decent .
Edited by - heavy5 on 08/13/2023 05:15:46
mikehalloran - Posted - 08/13/2023: 18:06:27
The holes in those rims were not always drilled accurately. Not a problem if you are handy with tools. Some who bought these kits and just expected them to bolt together might be disappointed.
This is the current version of the Saga OK-2 Open back banjo kit. The RK-2 resonator version of this kit is long discontinued a decade or more (Instrument Alley is a phone bank and can keep an ad online 15 or more years after being discontinued).
Although Saga still offers a Resonator kit with attaching hardware, they no longer offer the 24-piece or 2-piece flange kits one would want to mate it with the above banjo. Who really wants to turn an aluminum rim for a 1-piece flange?
Edited by - mikehalloran on 08/13/2023 18:10:08