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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Examples of 1920s/30s improvised single note tenor banjo soloing?

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adamrhowe - Posted - 08/05/2022:  08:11:01

Are there any recorded examples of improvised single-note soloing on the tenor banjo from the 20s/30s, or was it always chord soloing?

aintbrokejustbadlybent - Posted - 08/05/2022:  08:33:35

Elmer Snowden is the only one I know of. Cynthia Sayer just released a book with transcribed solos. Highly recommend.

G Edward Porgie - Posted - 08/05/2022:  08:49:40

Harry Reser often used single note soloing, although I don't know how much was improvised.

I wouls not be surprise4d to find a few instances of single note playing in small sections of a solo.

vintagetenor - Posted - 08/05/2022:  11:52:26

Single note banjo solos are not common on 1920s recordings but I do hear them occasionally.

It's really impossible to tell what was improvised and what what was rehearsed, unless you can listen to alternate takes.

I recently listened to a Paul Whiteman record on which Mike Pingitore played a single note solo. It was recording from 1922 or '23 but i don't remember the title. It was not a hot solo but was one in which Mike stated the melody demonstrating flawless single string tremolo technique.

KingStudent - Posted - 08/05/2022:  14:24:13


Originally posted by aintbrokejustbadlybent

Elmer Snowden is the only one I know of. Cynthia Sayer just released a book with transcribed solos. Highly recommend.

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