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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: A Chinese "zither"

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thisoldman - Posted - 07/02/2022:  20:13:21

The channel popped up randomly on my youtube feed, so I watched a few of the videos. Here is one...definately not bluegrass or old time, but a nice rendition of a popular tune  See You Again  Appreciate the musicianship.  Pretty tune.  Very talented young lady.  

When I looked up the name of the instrument "Guzheng" I saw some sites called it a zither.  A bit of a stretch to call it a zither, based on what I understand a (UK) zither is/was. But it has strings, and is played with picks. Interesting...picks are taped on the fingers.  

banjonz - Posted - 07/05/2022:  15:00:28

Beautiful music.

Paul R - Posted - 07/05/2022:  21:15:35

Nice, Interesting juxtaposition of the traditional instrument with modern technology and musical selection.

Disco Kid - Posted - 07/06/2022:  09:44:02

Artistry on many levels. Loved it on many levels.

Ira Gitlin - Posted - 07/06/2022:  12:49:51


Originally posted by thisoldman

A bit of a stretch to call it a zither, based on what I understand a (UK) zither is/was. 

"Zither", like "lute" can be used narrowly for a instruments of a specific type, or more generically for instruments of a broader category.

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