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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Woodworking magazines

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Heady - Posted - 06/07/2022:  13:54:01

I'm passing time between work and rehearsal. I popped into a bookstore looking for Strings Magazine but they don't carry it.

They do however carry:

Wood worker
Wood crafting
Wood turning
And wood carving

Probably more - it's a nice selection. Turning sounds like something I'll not need unless I get into flutes, but the others... I can't make up my mind.

Is anyone familiar with any wood working mags that would at least have some content for a nube trying to learn things that would be useful for fixing up instruments?

I guess it doesn't have to be wood either - just thought I'd ask. I always get good info here.

I have this long period of time to pass every Tuesday so I'll come back next week.

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