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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Clever repurposed stringed instrument rack

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Disco Kid - Posted - 06/05/2022:  10:10:48

Saw this on Craigslist today. A repurposed quilt stand.


Edited by - Disco Kid on 06/05/2022 10:13:15

Texasbanjo - Posted - 06/05/2022:  11:22:40

Gee, that gives me an idea what to do with that quilt stand that's out in the shop. Make it into a multi-instrument stand. Great idea.

Disco Kid - Posted - 06/06/2022:  09:25:31

I'm going to track one down to convert. We have a rack in the den, this is much nicer.

Joel Hooks - Posted - 06/06/2022:  10:11:18

Endorsed by guitar repair persons everywhere.

Heady - Posted - 06/06/2022:  10:34:38

The spindles and finials are different - they definitely had an instrument rack to start with and augmented it with the curly parts of the quilt rack.

Owen - Posted - 06/06/2022:  12:09:51


Originally posted by Joel Hooks

Endorsed by guitar repair persons everywhere.

I'm an inveterate putterer, but as such my untrained eye says the whole she-bang looks more than a little "tippy"  back-to-front, and the guitar in the pic looks to me like it should be set "back in" farther  ... pic doesn't show means to secure the instruments "in,"  but I dunno whether that would be a + or a -  ..... knock 'em over individually, or all at once??   'Course there's nothing stopping a person from fastening the whole unit to something more solid.  Just MNSHumbleO.

Edited by - Owen on 06/06/2022 12:25:26

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