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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Gibson Tenor TB-1

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kbiinde2 - Posted - 05/07/2022:  09:40:32

General clean-up/replacement of the "pot-metal" flange that has cracks and missing pieces. When I took the hardware and head off, the rim section looks channeled for a tone ring ? And do the spaced holes suggest a head that was "tacked" on.?

Thanks for any comment

Culloden - Posted - 05/07/2022:  10:23:23

The top of the rim could be channeled for a 1/4" brass hoop. They were commonly used in Style 1 banjos in place of true tone rings.

The holes in the top of the rim are a mystery. They look kind of like the holes found in ball bearing rims. I wonder if this was repurposed from a left-over ball bearing rim to make a TB1. The ball bearing banjos had tube and plate flanges so the rim would have had to have been turned for a one-piece flange if that was the case and the holes look smaller than ball bearing holes. Whatever they were for I am pretty sure that they were not for a head that was tacked on.

Edited by - Culloden on 05/07/2022 10:24:26

Old Hickory - Posted - 05/07/2022:  11:09:36

Looks like an owner modification to me. But I'm far from expert.

Alvin Conder - Posted - 05/07/2022:  12:00:49

That does not look like any typical Ball Bearing rim from 25-26 that I have seen in the past.

I’m with Ken on this one. Looks like an owner modified rim. Modified to what purpose, I have no idea.

beegee - Posted - 05/07/2022:  13:23:31

" Looks like an owner modified rim. Modified to what purpose, I have no idea."

Nothing people do to their banjos would surprise me at this point...

Bob Rodgers - Posted - 05/07/2022:  18:16:01

9477 is a batch of 29 fat rim 1 piece flange gibson banjos. (If) the rim and resonator number are same. The holes from picture appear to be gibson machined holes for a ball bearing tone ring. Why 30 holes in top of rim ? who knows. I would not worry about holes as much as finding a 1st generation Flange. If you can find a aftermarket 10 13/16 lip flange and have machined to fit your rim, Your problem may be finding someone with the knowledge to fit the flange to the rim correctly. Take a wooden ruler, Cut it to exactly 9 1/2 inch and rotate inside wood rim to see if rim is out of round. the less the better.

kbiinde2 - Posted - 05/08/2022:  07:20:39

Yes, the rim and resonator match, and I am searching for a flange as I would rather find "used" that is serviceable to keep
the instrument as close to original as I can. Thanks, and what a wealth of knowledge BHO Forum lends to any who ask.. kb

Bob Rodgers - Posted - 05/08/2022:  08:06:57

You may faint (price wise) if you find a pre war fatrim flange. One is good condition will set you back close to $2,000.00.

Edited by - Bob Rodgers on 05/08/2022 08:07:50

Bob Rodgers - Posted - 05/08/2022:  08:11:11

Do not let anyone talk you into turning the rim to accept a more modern flange of smaller diameter. It will ruin the value of your wood rim.

lightgauge - Posted - 05/08/2022:  15:49:40

I would think most machinist could turn the flange ID to fit. Back when Cliff Fitch was on here, he did one for me. I sent him the flange and the two ID measurements I needed. It was a perfect fit.

G Edward Porgie - Posted - 05/08/2022:  16:31:18

I'm in the "owner modified" crowd. Those holes don't look quite evenly spaced, and also look too small for any Gibson ball bearings and springs. Perhaps an old owner thought he could improve his TB 1 by adding his own suspended tone ring. Although Gibson did re-purpose some BB rims, I don't believe this to be one of them.

Edited by - G Edward Porgie on 05/08/2022 16:32:33

kbiinde2 - Posted - 05/09/2022:  03:54:58

Following Bob's advice to determine "out-of-round" rim condition, this one is only a slight bit out.. in what would be the direction of any adjustment of the tension rod. I'm guessing this would be a stress adjustment that would over time be present in some degree in any older instrument. I carefully applied a light coat of Bri-wax clear and the rim is set aside while the other hardware gets some attention.

kbiinde2 - Posted - 05/09/2022:  05:15:10

A member had requested a photo of the flange, and also some owner history. This tenor (9477-16) was gifted to me by my wife's family. At the time all relatives were from the upstate NY area, never venturing far from that area.


jellowaydan - Posted - 05/11/2022:  11:54:52

When I worked in a machine shop I turned a flange to fit a rim. It took longer to get it trued up than it did to turn the flange. I would guess you would be billed for 1 hour. I would have Huber do it for me. He knows what he is doing.

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