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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: more reproduction tailpieces posted

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Mark Ralston - Posted - 02/23/2016:  14:38:46

These tailpieces are reproduced in a hard nylon, which is snow white. I hand-tint the black highlights and tint the tailpieces to approximate a color between bone (off-white) and near-yellow (ivoroid). All are hand-finished, and no two are exactly alike. All are suitable for nylon or gut strings. All are priced at $25, which includes a tailpiece bolt for all except tailpiece F05, which is hung with gut or wire. Also posted in this ad are some images of tailpieces from old (pre-1900) catalogs, FYI.

vintagetenor - Posted - 02/23/2016:  14:43:09

Nice work, Mark!!

jbalch - Posted - 02/23/2016:  14:58:10



Davidprat - Posted - 02/23/2016:  15:06:42

Great looking tailpieces, could you do the same made of bone?

mrphysics55 - Posted - 02/23/2016:  15:26:57


Mark Ralston - Posted - 02/23/2016:  16:21:33

Thanks for the positive comments !

David, I would not be able to use the same process to make a tailpiece in bone.  I make some non-engraved, simpler tailpieces using bone, but they're not similar to the ones I just posted.  Some of the old (pre-1900) tailpieces were made from walrus ivory, and I think that the inked-in engravings are artistically related to scrimshaw.

beegee - Posted - 02/23/2016:  16:59:20

Wow! Good stuff and a great price.

Banjohaven - Posted - 02/23/2016:  19:44:06

Putthose on my Banjo Talk FB page Mark, good work

Greg Galbreath - Posted - 02/24/2016:  05:51:02


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