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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Swiss version of the Grand Ole Opry

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BDCA - Posted - 06/01/2013:  06:51:03

This was sent to me by a friend..kind of kewl and a bit bizarre...Enjoy!




banjeaux bob - Posted - 06/01/2013:  09:29:41

 Actually,I think the venue is in Germany.Do a  youtube search for    "die Twinnies" . It's not bizarre,it's just different. 

BDCA - Posted - 06/01/2013:  09:48:39

The recording was made in Fribourg. You will also see a Swiss flag or two in the audience.

Musikantenstadl is a live television entertainment program broadcast in the German language throughout Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. It features Austrian, Swiss, and German popular folk music (Schlager, Volkstümliche Musik), international pop and folk music as well as interviews and comedy. As a production of Eurovision, is co-produced by the Österreichischer Rundfunk, Bayerischer Rundfunk and Schweizer Fernsehen.[1] Aside from the live television broadcasts it also tours in Austria and Germany as live concerts. It is currently hosted by Andy Borg and its location of broadcast varies between towns in different regions in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.




Edited by - BDCA on 06/01/2013 09:52:58

Kenneth Logsdon - Posted - 06/01/2013:  21:53:18

Fine music.... And they ain't calling it Bluegrass!

pstroud1 - Posted - 06/02/2013:  13:46:45

Wow I love it. Could listen to that all day.

Must be the PA polka coming out in me lol.

Thanks for posting that.


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