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BEEFUS - Posted - 02/22/2008: 14:12:06
BEEFUS just testin owt new MANIC VOLTS UV GLOOM electrokoustical banjo,
BEEFUS are want a banjo what gots twangy akoostical sownds, but also screechy elektrikul sownd, so hims hoap that MVOG can doo its!
here are a video uv BEEFUS pikkin an singing with new axe!
BUY SUM BANJO BUTTER! http://www.banjohangout.org/classif...asp?cid=3723
TheBoog - Posted - 02/22/2008: 14:37:12
I are not having speakers at wurk
... all in all, I'd rather be busking in Glasgow
rtyrie - Posted - 02/22/2008: 15:38:24
Beefus - that song is sew sad an moornful It made me cry.
I thinks that tha chicken dna makes tha sound not macha lips. Kinda like a asian horror flick.
Your pal Ron
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JohnGP - Posted - 02/22/2008: 16:17:46
Ron - what is that steam-powered? gizmo on your avatar?
Actually - it does get better if you pick it.
Sultans of Claw - Posted - 02/22/2008: 16:44:11
That were so moornful a song I can't stop crying!
Lee Callicutt