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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Big Country (Fiddle and Banjo)

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Violanjo - Posted - 02/22/2008:  04:14:55

Here is my new version of Big Country. As you may notice I changed and added some things in contrast to the original, but the banjobreaks are still the same. At the beginning I added a 2nd fiddle in order to have a bass and a mandolinlike tremolo. The melody on the fiddle is presented twice in 2 different kinds of styles: at first I play it somehow classical in a high register an in the 2nd breakI try to play the melody in bluegrassy way. I hope you like it. Comments are welcome. Thanks!

"Whenever you are in a sorrowful kind of mood, just pick your banjo
and it will make you smile again!!"

Edited by - Violanjo on 02/22/2008 07:41:04

Rick Woods - Posted - 02/22/2008:  06:27:40

Sounding good Manuel. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.

Sullivan Bardstown
Fender Leo

They ain't nothin' that a good banjo pickin can't cure! My therapy starts with three picks and five strings! YeeHaaw!!

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