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jamesbookert - Posted - 02/21/2008:  07:14:52

alright folks i got a fresh new recording for some folks who may not like it at all. if you simply click this link:

and then listen to "it's alright" things will be alright, maybe.
this is my band the peasantry out of boston, and we're p laying south by southwest this march and we're real excited. i hope you guys enjoy!

james bookert

James Bookert

Violanjo - Posted - 02/21/2008:  10:06:07

Hi James,

I like your recordings. You make it sound different, that is great.

Regards from the other side of the ocean

Manuel (Violanjo)

"Whenever you are in a sorrowful kind of mood, just pick your banjo
and it will make you smile again!!"

vintagewells - Posted - 02/21/2008:  16:13:55

Glad to have you here. I enjoyed all your posts,

Love me, love my banjo
Aluminum Rims rule!

1four5 - Posted - 02/21/2008:  20:44:36

I LOVE it James! I really like the simple background parts leading into the full band. I'm looking forward to hearing a lot more of your bands work, especially how you add banjo. It would also be interesting to hear what your fans think of the banjo! I'll be they love it!


Yopparai - Posted - 02/21/2008:  22:06:11

Yep, very cool.

Rick Woods - Posted - 02/22/2008:  06:26:19

Nice job James. Good to hear you posting again. We haven't heard from you in a while. Welcome back.

Sullivan Bardstown
Fender Leo

They ain't nothin' that a good banjo pickin can't cure! My therapy starts with three picks and five strings! YeeHaaw!!

jamesbookert - Posted - 02/22/2008:  11:30:44

well guys, we're playing a show tonight in braintree, massachusetts so i'll let you know how the banjo goes over!


James Bookert

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