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maryzcox - Posted - 02/18/2008:  17:20:01

No actual playing on this video--but the banjo related information may be valuable to you.
Best wishes,
Mary Z. Cox
If you suspect you need a new banjo--you do. Trust your musical instincts. If a banjo calls to you to buy it, don't fight destiny. It was meant to be. :)

RONLD - Posted - 02/18/2008:  17:33:52

I could not agree more Mary, my problem is money to buy those banjo's that i am destined to own!!! Oh well, maybe next life............

Keep your friends close,and God even closer...

mrphysics55 - Posted - 02/18/2008:  18:54:08


Do you need a Fiddle Player to Practice With 24/7? Go To

salvatone - Posted - 02/19/2008:  10:30:21

And now a word from the National Association of Banjo Retailers.


maryzcox - Posted - 02/19/2008:  10:34:04

Hello Salvatone,
Is there really such a group? Just curious. Most of my banjos are from individual builders.
I am thrilled that there are so many different banjos available right now--I think there may be more choices now than even the golden age of banjos.
Best wishes always,
Mary Z. Cox
If you suspect you need a new banjo--you do. Trust your musical instincts. If a banjo calls to you to buy it, don't fight destiny. It was meant to be. :)

salvatone - Posted - 02/19/2008:  17:04:35

I was only kidding, I should have put one of those smilies in there.

But if there were such a group, you would be their spokesperson.


Edited by - salvatone on 02/19/2008 17:06:09

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