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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Tribute to Bobby

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krwarbington - Posted - 01/28/2008:  16:51:47

Let me know what you think. Thanks

skybolt - Posted - 01/28/2008:  17:23:27

Very nice, indeed.


Laurence Diehl - Posted - 01/28/2008:  17:33:07

Pity about the sound quality, but once I got over that, the playing was very smooth and even - good job!


CurtissWhite - Posted - 01/28/2008:  18:10:55

Smooth! Great stuff.

Earl's the man!!!
Frailin's 999th friend!

kinggrumpy - Posted - 01/28/2008:  19:17:48

That was nice. Thanks.
Ray J.

Banjoman - Posted - 01/28/2008:  19:43:23

For those who may not know, that tune is "Mule Skinner Blues."

Great job.

Picking since 1964

“...Bobby Thompson? He is the future! He has this whole new style-you can hear the melody! 'Hard Hearted' 'Dixie Hoedown!' Oh my!”---John Updike

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Banjocoltrane - Posted - 01/28/2008:  21:04:02

Smooth as silk man

BTW, let me know the next time you are at still working on weekends?...because I wanna bring my guitar and come jam with ya...learn some of these cool old tunes


Edited by - Banjocoltrane on 01/28/2008 21:04:23

banjofanatico - Posted - 01/28/2008:  23:23:05

Excellent playing. I guess you used your Baldwin for that. It seems to have a mellower tone than today's banjos. I guess that is the same Baldwin company that used to make those great pianos.


fivestringwomanrepeller - Posted - 01/28/2008:  23:57:32

That was great. Well done

krwarbington - Posted - 01/29/2008:  08:59:51

Thanks everyone and yes that was on a Baldwin "D". Sorry about the recording quality, I'm saving up my pennies to try and buy a decent recorder.

Jody, yes I still work on the weekends so come by at anytime. Its always a pleasure to hear you play anything.

Lumpy - Posted - 01/29/2008:  13:56:12

Kerry, that was some amazing picking; I think Bobby would have liked that. Thanks for the great post.

Gold Tone OB-250G
"So much music, such little time."

judythompson - Posted - 01/29/2008:  20:05:43

Kerry - Lumpy is right. i believe that bobby would have loved your version of
Mule Skinner Blues. plus you both played the song on a baldwin banjo - which
was his banjo of choice. he used the baldwin on so very many sessions.
i truly did like the way you played it - sounded fantastic!!
thank you for your amazing "Tribute to Bobby" -

judy thompson

krwarbington - Posted - 01/30/2008:  08:33:27

Wow, thank you Mrs. Thompson for those kind words. Bobby was and still is my Hero. My biggest regret is that I never got to meet him personally. My good friend Buddy Blackmon has and told me what a great guy he was. Thanks again.

fiddlebuster - Posted - 02/19/2008:  11:36:20

Great picking Kerry I enjoyed it very much. Bobby is my hero as well. BTW does Buddy still have his Ode?

The way I see it, the Good Lord made us all, and if we're good enough for him, we ought to be good enough for each other. Jed Clampett

krwarbington - Posted - 02/21/2008:  19:16:17

Thanks and Buddy does still have the ode.

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